
In buying a squirrel make sure it is a young one, because whe...

Jerusalem Jericho Jemima
This is a simple game of attention. The three words in the ti...

Prisoner's Base
Two captains select sides. They then mark out on the ground t...

Seat Vaulting Tag
A pupil is selected to be "It." He attempts to tag any other ...

Apples And Flour
Suspend horizontally from ceiling a stick three feet long. On...

My Lady's Lap Dog
_5 to 30 of more players._ _Parlor._ My lady's l...

An attention game. The pupils stand in the aisle beside their...

Going To Jerusalem
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; schoolro...


Suggestions For New Year Parties
A novel way of selecting partners for a New Year's party is to paint upon water color paper such objects as may illustrate the different months of the year. A candle for January, to represent Twelfth Night, or "The...

Lincoln's Birthday
At dinners, parties and entertainments given on February 12th, the anniversary of the birth of our immortal Lincoln, one aim of the host or hostess should be to imbue the affair with the spirit of patriotism; so ...

Military Euchre
A most enjoyable afternoon or evening may be furnished ones friends by giving a military euchre party, as suggested for Washington's Birthday. ...

Guessing Contest
Supply pencils and papers to the guests having the following mixed words written upon them:-- 1. Olinnlc 2. Averlys 3. Sidetenpr 4. Lair-sliptter 5. Stohen-Bea 6. Yawrel 7. Roft-Termus ...

Splitting Rails
Guests are to be supplied with pencils and papers containing the following letters:-- 1. Loadailrrfliar 2. Aliredalrig 3. Ginlatirlairgruad 4. Wilrayalingir 5. Letairrlailerry Which are the rails ...

Breaking The Chain
Several children are chosen as slaves and stand in the center of the room. The other children stand in a circle about them, forming a chain by linking each arm into the arm of a child on either side and clasping hi...